Boiler Repair and Common Problems with Water Boilers

Nowadays, many homes, swimming pools, clubs, hotels and industries use water boiler systems for heating. They can be very efficient when operating. But sometimes, they can be difficult to maintain. So, how exactly does a boiler work? And, what should you do if there is a problem?

How do hot water boilers work?

A hot water boiler is a system that consists of a network of pipes and many heating components. Water circulates through a radiator system and uses the pipes to transfer the heat to the rooms or space being heated.

The components

The radiators provide heat and have controls or regulators, which allow the control of the temperature and water pressure. A typical boiler system has an expansion tank that absorbs water pressure.

Steam boiler systems and gas boilers are used in many cases. Steam generating boilers can also be very efficient for use in laundries, hospitals or in industries. They use a system that condenses water by applying thermal energy. Thermal energy converts water into steam, which is used to heat the chosen area.

There are boiler models that function using natural gas and there are also oil boilers. With the water that is channeled through the heating grilles, the radiators use the recirculated water pipe barrier for heat transfer.

Problems with water boilers

Some common problems with water boilers are that they make noise, produce air pockets, and some boilers produce little heat (after years of use) or can leak water. Some measures can be taken in order to identify potential problems.

A technical revision will typically involve increasing the temperature on the thermostat and checking the status of various parts of the system (i.e. switches, fuses, circuit breakers, water level, burner safety controls, etc.).

Performing routine maintenance on the boiler can reduce the potential development of water boiler problems. Sometimes, however, the systems wear out even if they have been properly maintained.

Repair or replace?

If this happens, it may be time to think about replacing some parts, and in some cases, it might require the replacement of the complete boiler. If replacement is chosen, there are modern combi boilers which offer highly efficient operation and easy and low-cost installation, which are a good option.

Safety above all!

People without the necessary technical knowledge to carry out maintenance and troubleshooting of a boiler should not try DIY repairs, etc. The combination of gas, oil, electricity, and pressure can be potentially very dangerous and all such work, whether technical revisions, repairs or replacement, should be carried out by a properly certified and experienced installer or boiler technician.

This will ensure the integrity of the boiler heating system and, importantly, the safety of all people or visitors in the building which it serves.

Five Steps to Accelerating Workplace Performance

5 Steps to Accelerating Workplace PerformanceThere are a number of ways to speed up workplace performance. Most have to do with making minor to major changes in the existing culture of the organization. The viability of these suggestions is almost entirely dependent upon the size of the company and the willingness of management to embrace change.

1. The first and most obvious way would be to tie pay to productivity levels—the more you produce, the more you earn. It goes without saying, though, that what was so speedily produced cannot be made at the cost of a reduction in quality.

2. A second way to improve productivity would be to look for ways to streamline all processes. Usually simple and mundane work is never systematically reviewed and organized. Sometimes a step in a process can be eliminated or done in a different sequence, with a corresponding increase in the productivity rate. One way to do this quite simply would be to implement a viable suggestion award program.

3. A third way to improve employee productivity would be to look for inexpensive technology which would enable the employee to eliminate time consuming tasks. One example is a security protection firm which invested in inexpensive GPS navigational units in all of their patrol units. New employees in a large city would have a great deal of difficulty finding some locations on a map. A GPS unit not only eliminates the time looking the location up, but helps navigate in some very complex and badly designed street systems.

4. A fourth way to improve productivity is to ensure that all personnel are adequately trained. Too many managers and supervisors are just too busy and don’t want to invest the time or expense to see that their personnel are trained properly. A very quick way to gain an understanding of the value of training is to see how quickly someone with formal computer training can generate documents in comparison to their untrained co-workers. Manipulating your way around a keyboard is like any other task. When trained properly, you can use valuable shortcuts to simplify your task.

5. A fifth way to increase productivity is to promote pride and teamwork through meaningful service awards. Nobody takes pride in awards that are given to everyone. Service awards should be given to a very select few individuals or for meaningful team performance. The standards for earning team or individual service awards need to be both high and clearly defined.

A Guide to Industries Powered by Central Battery Systems

The majority of industries are increasingly powered by central battery systems and it is no surprise why; central battery systems provide maximum security and comfort for industry workers. From AC to DC battery systems, there are a variety of systems that are widely used amongst large-scale industries. Here is a guide to central battery systems and a rundown of the ins and outs of why so many industries are powered by them.

What do Central Battery Systems Do?

Having an emergency lighting system is essential, and something which the majority of industries simply cannot do without. Emergency luminaries supply lighting in cases such as a fire, facilitating the safe exit of all personnel inside. It is vital that those designing large-scale projects which will be used to house long-term industries choose an emergency lighting system that is safe and easy to operate. Used by a mass of industries, central battery systems are arguably the safest form of emergency lighting available and come with an array of great advantages which are detailed below.

Long Lasting

Central battery systems are long-lasting, making them ideal for busy places such as airports and hospitals.  Whilst the batteries in self-contained emergency luminaries usually last under five years, those in a central battery system can last up to or even above ten. Their convenient design makes them perfect for industries reliant upon consistently working emergency lighting, and offers companies a smooth running system year after year. Thanks to their long-lasting battery life, industries can rest safe in the knowledge that disruptions will be minimised in the event of an emergency.

Locations such as airports tend to use central battery systems due to their reliability and high capacity

Locations such as airports tend to use central battery systems due to their reliability and high capacity

Easy to maintain

Another great advantage of central battery systems is that they require little maintenance.  Due to the system’s singular testing point all luminaries can be easily checked, making it exceptionally simple to maintain a properly functioning system. Contrary to self-contained emergency luminaries, where batteries must be handled individually, central battery systems can be centrally controlled, making management much quicker and easier.

Higher lighting levels

In the case of an emergency it is important that maximum lighting is available. It is vital that those inside can clearly see emergency escape exits in order to prevent panic. Unlike self-contained units, central battery systems offer a high quality of lighting, making it much easier to cope in the case of an emergency. In locations where sight may already be restricted due to health problems, such as in hospitals and retirement homes, it is crucial that emergency lighting levels are sufficient for swift evacuation with the minimum of fuss.

It is vital that central battery systems provide clear lighting in order for the emergency escape routes to be easily identified

It is vital that central battery systems provide clear lighting in order for the emergency escape routes to be easily identified

Safely stored

Usually stored in plant or switch rooms, central battery systems will cause little disruption to industries. With authorisation into safe rooms limited, industries need not worry about systems being tampered with. Central battery systems will be safely stowed away, making accidents or acts of vandalism less likely.


Central battery systems are perfect for large industrial and commercial environments. From providing high lighting levels to being easy and convenient to maintain, central battery systems boast an array of fantastic advantages. Industries looking for maximum safety and security, will find that central battery systems are an excellent choice.


By Maria Hubbard


Image Credits: bijoubaby and scottobear