Green Living Ideas: Using Solar Energy

Green living ideas are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons. Gas guzzling cars were usual in the past and since gas was cheap, nobody noticed what was happening to the climate or the ozone layer. Now humankind understands that green living ideas are the key to creating a better future for our families and our planet.

Here are some tips that focus on green living ideas:

1. Home composting is one green living idea that is often overlooked. Get a bin to collect kitchen compost and food scraps and take your regular kitchen leftovers to a composter. This will create manure for your yard and your garden can flourish without chemicals and pesticides.
2. Replace your old incandescent lights with CFL bulbs to conserve energy.
3. Check windows for cracks and air leaks that could be costing you dollars by stressing the air conditioning system.
4. Install double glazing windows and use curtains to cover the exposed glass to reduce energy costs.
5. Have your HVAC system checked by an expert to make sure it works to its optimum capacity.
6. Of course you can always reduce your carbon footprints and take your savings to a new high by investing in a solar powered energy system or a domestic wind turbine.

Here are a few factors that have given the existing popularity to solar energy and solar panels:

Eco friendly:

To start with, solar energy tapping equipment does not pollute the environment. The use of solar energy for water heating, cooking or for the production of electricity etc. produces no harmful gases such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide and methane and therefore reduces the possibilities of acid rain and global warming.

Silent operation:

Unlike equipment based on other forms of energy that produces chaotic noise due to the generators, equipment that uses solar energy does not cause any noise. Solar energy operated machines operate silently because there are no moving parts. Consequently, it also reduces noise pollution.

Low maintenance:

Once installed, there is not much maintenance cost and hence there is absolutely no recurring cost. It is because there are no parts that can wear and tear. Although there is a heavy investment initially, but it is a lucrative option to use solar panels because it can reduce and eliminate a significant part of your electricity bill that would otherwise leave you vexatious. It can store the excess energy produced during the day and use it during the night when sunlight is not available.


In addition, the use of solar energy is ideal for remote locations where there the possibility of they being connected to electricity is not plausible or is a dangerous and cumbersome procedure.

No recurring costs:

After setting up of the solar panel is complete, its running cost is absolutely zero as no fuel is required. With many countries encountering growth disorders and insensitive fuel prices, it is an intelligent move to shift to this eco-friendly way that is not affected by the unstable economy. Fuel prices or fluctuating electricity costs will not cause any problem in your life if you have adequate resources to tap solar power.

After years of exploitation of non-renewable resources, humankind has reached a stage where it cannot afford to abuse them more. Hence it has finally moved its attention to renewable resources that are the gifts of nature and solar energy is one of them. The benefits of this form of renewable energy mentioned above have made it so popular these days.


Why You Should Make Your Warehouse Green

Going green can require substantial restructuring to current day-to-day operations, making adjustments to adopt certain practices not only potentially costly, but overwhelming. This can be particularly true in the case of small industrial businesses, where altering production can create some difficulties. Yet, it’s not impossible. You start small, implementing and adopting green in one area. Once you see the overall maximized energy efficiency, once your bottom line has realized the benefits of operating a greener environment, you can logically build in that direction throughout the business.

An excellent place to start is the way the business is running its warehouse. There are conveyor systems and pallet handling equipment  and other logistics that are constantly in use, where even minor alterations can make a substantial difference. You need to examine three main areas that can definitely cut the bottom line while simultaneously enhancing your efforts toward social responsibility. Those areas are reducing, repurposing and recycling.


There aren’t many warehouses where operations couldn’t use some type of reduction in overall consumption. Any minimization can help the budget and environment, especially as energy costs continue to rise. Options like motion sensors that illuminate areas only when they are in use and charging forklifts off-peak when energy costs are lower make for excellent solutions. There’s also the reduction in packing materials. Advancements in this area can make for lower shipping costs and decreasing energy and power used to move materials and items. Biodegradable packing materials can also be instrumental.


Wood pallets and totes are items that are constantly reused in warehouse production. Finding other ways to keep items and products viable is definitely a step in the green direction. Returnable packaging is becoming a solid alternative. A lot of packaging is reusable, reducing both the amount of packaging needed and the amount spent to replenish the supply.


Reducing waste is a primary environment concern. Packaging and packing materials that have outlived their purpose should definitely be shipped to recycling facilities. There should also be appropriate and responsible disposal of oil, drums, batteries and chemicals. Various types of containers have the potential for extended lifecycles. Recyclable packing is becoming a popular option that cuts down on waste and helps save money.

Look for resources in the community that provide or utilize recyclable products. This can include schools, churches and even companies that deal primarily with paper, plastic and scrap metal. Investigate and study, pinpointing areas and processes where you can produce sound decisions regarding social responsibility.

Great Steps to Going Green


On average, the typical warehouse can say up to 40 percent of its energy costs is lighting. If you invest in LED lighting, you can save almost 50 percent in lighting costs. They are to a large extent more energy efficient than fluorescent lighting and will undoubtedly trim the bottom line in energy bills.

Ambient light and motion sensors are another excellent green solution. Motion sensors ensure energy is conserved by being utilized only when a specific area is in use. Ambient light sensors are capable of adjusting light depending on the availability of natural light in real time.


Energy efficient insulation is critical. You can control heating, but it’s just as important to have the best equipped insulation available. The wrong type and you lose energy and money. A little research will reveal the many energy proficient solutions in the field of insulation. Among the more prominent types is blanket insulation, loose fill or spray applied, reflective barriers and rigid insulation. Each has its unique characteristics and your contractor can help you decide which best suits your situation.

When it comes to materials, each is given a rating scale of “R” values. The higher that rating is the better the insulation. The most common and environmentally friendly materials for insulation are fibre glass, mineral wood materials, cellulose and natural fibre materials. You should get more information about these materials. Again, a good contractor can help you decide which material and insulation should be utilized in your warehouse.


Energy efficient heating is considered one of the easiest paths for going green. The typical flat warehouse roofing is ideal for solar paneling. This is indeed a substantial investment, but it’s also one that will pay for itself in a few years and, as heating costs go up, will promise long lasting savings. If your business is already taking advantage of solar energy, employ accessories like programmable thermostats. They will regulate temperatures, minimizing heat when the business is closed. Put in industrial fans. They can circulate cool air in the summer and hot air in the winter.


If building an entirely new facility, you definitely want to make it as energy efficient as possible. That means a lot of these green options may already be on the drawing board. A renovation might also be a good time to consider eco-friendly and cost saving alternatives. Either way, third party certification programs can be a critical asset in the proceedings. They support design, construction and operations that maintain a high level of green performance.

The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is a significant leader in this field. Their inspections and certifications will focus on what areas your energy saving efforts should lean in. They will definitely offer the most sensible avenues for saving energy and money in the long term. These certifications and the execution of well regarded green solutions could also make you eligible for certain tax incentives. That’s a conversation to have with your accounting department.


For small businesses, adopting green procedures can have a vast impact on production. Yet, the long term rewards should not be overlooked. You can slowly build efficiency throughout your business by taking small steps, like starting in your warehouse. Simple adjustments to lighting, heating systems and the ways you recycle, reuse and reduce your waste can make fundamental differences. Once you have realized the rewards of bringing that facility into a greener environment, it will be easy to see why you should expand the initiative for the entire business. It may take a little time, but the long lasting performance will definitely be worth it.